Orbis enhancing your customers’ experiences

When your golfing business is joined-up, and the experiences across it are integrated and seamless, your customers feel more at home. They sense they’ve made the right investment, that they’re in the right place, and that related products, services and support are all easily accessible when they need them.

Customer Experience

This means they’re far more inclined to explore and invest in what you have to offer, and to encourage family, friends and colleagues to join too. They’ll also be sharing those good times in conversation and on social media, which is powerful free marketing for you.

This is precisely what Orbis Golf’s software and integrated programming helps you achieve: insight-driven, reassuring and fully sustainable improvements for all your customer groups.

A seamless club experience

Customers will quickly realise that an enjoyable time with one aspect of your business is likely matched in others. A great coaching experience across a variety of touchpoints – complemented by social events and other club activities – is proven to enhance income generation and loyalty.

Activated and engaged individuals

Dependable software and engaging programming that helps you go beyond the merely transactional – to support members’ ambitions and nurture relationships – is crucial. When it’s intuitive, seamless and enjoyable to use, everyone’s onto a winner.

Game development

GLF.Connect, its coaching app and integrated programming genuinely represent a masterstroke in driving the coaching experience, and ultimately the development of the customer’s game. Improving golfers are happy golfers, and this will significantly enhance every aspect of your business and the coaches’ business.

Deeper social connections

Customers who feel they belong to a club, have a higher tendency to make friends and ‘belong’ to a social group. This means they stick around and invest in the wider venue experience. Golf is a sport, but it’s also a very inclusive and community-minded pastime. Orbis Golf is all about encouraging that sense of belonging.

Journey management

Orbis Golf’s software is the result of advanced programming expertise and deep industry knowledge. It’s fully customer-centric, and takes the long view to ensure loyalty and ambition – not just in terms of the game, but also in having a dependable team and sense of place that will support personalised journeys.

Learn about the impact of Orbis’ solution on the key stakeholders in your business...

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