A genuine gamechanger

When operators and coaches truly connect and collaborate, combining experience and insight with the latest proven tools, remarkable things happen…

Not just to their business and their coaches’ performance and opportunities, but also to end-customers’ experiences and loyalty. With an increasingly positive feedback loop – empowered by leading-edge technology, ready-to-go programming, smart use of data and industry expertise – success becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

How Orbis helps you…

Using powerful programming and software, Orbis connects the dots between data, insight and experience. This informs the strategic implementation of proven and sustainable pathways to better performance for every stakeholder:

Working with club owners

Through advanced insight, software and programming, Orbis Golf provides proven ways to secure, interpret and apply the data you create every minute of every day across your business. This informs the strategies that will ensure genuine, dependable growth.

Tuned precisely to your unique needs and ambitions, we’ll help you to identify strengths and opportunities in real time, make changes informed by industry experience, and increase profitability.

For your coaches

Orbis helps coaches to make their businesses not just successful in their own right, but also integral to the success of the venue. And using GLF.Connect’s proven suite of coach-specific features and seamlessly integrated golf programming is proven to improve customer experience, make admin more intuitive, efficient and data-driven – and ultimately unlock untapped business potential.

For your customers

Happy golfers, and their families and friends, are your biggest marketing asset. So when they have a more immersive, better-connected experience across the venue, thanks to Orbis’ proprietary software and integrated golf programming, revenue inevitably increases.

When your strategies are joined up, and customers sense a cohesion to your offering, everything tends to come together. That’s where data becomes one of your most valuable tools.

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Agents of

Orbis knows golf. We play golf, we watch golf. We love golf. And we’ve been working internationally with golf clients for decades, combing our personal and professional insights and experiences with the latest programming, software and data expertise… to transform their fortunes.

About OrbisLearn more

The Orbis Solution

The Orbis Solution diagram

The way we see it, a golf business’ long-term growth and success has to ‘connect the dots’. It must understand and carefully nurture the complex relationship between clubs, coaches and customers.

The Orbis Solution diagram
DiscoverThe solution

Profound & enduring improvements

In a world – and a sport – where increasingly fine margins dictate success, inertia or failure, having the right information and insight at your disposal is crucial. That’s where Orbis’ software and programming expertise becomes a game-changer.

The Orbis ImpactFind out more

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