Coaching Business

Orbis’ suite of tools for coaches helps them make their businesses not just successful in their own right, but also integral to the success of the venue. And that mutual benefit self-perpetuates to everyone’s advantage.

Coaching Business

For example, using GLF.Connect’s coach-specific features improves customer experience and makes admin more intuitive, efficient and data-driven. Ultimately, it unlocks vast untapped business potential for them – and for the club. Coaches can access a vast range of education resources and ready-to-go tuition programmes, plus integrated tools for scheduling, relationship management, and more.

The Orbis impact here is clear. Coaches earn more, feel ‘at home’ at your club, and enjoy a heightened sense of purpose and progress with their clients. And when coaches are more aligned with your club, you have a far more cohesive offering – and a far more dependable income stream.

Sustained revenue increases

Booking conversions increase by as much as 40%, while student value can triple, thanks to intuitive cross-selling, and increased awareness and confidence in your wider offering. You’ll also save potentially thousands on no shows.

Innovative recruitment and a seamless booking process, unique coaching programmes and a pathway to benchmarked improvement leads to an increase in gross income of a minimum of 50%.

Better customer relationships

With an intuitive, more personalised interface, you can be more attentive to students’ needs, and create closer professional bonds, which will encourage them to become long-term customers who spread the word about your services.

Truly bespoke game development

Students enjoy an experience that’s clearly fine-tuned to their needs, based on personal interaction, supportive software and smart data interpretation. Through a knockout experience that extends beyond the lesson, they’ll be able to take their games to new heights.

Genuine job satisfaction

Seeing students progress in clear, personalised and meaningful ways is a great feeling, and feeds into a better overall experience that raises the venue’s profile and reputation.

Learn more about the impact our solutions have on the key stakeholders in your business...

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