Growing your business and reputation

Orbis provides every tool you’ll ever need to integrate and manage the close and interdependent relationship between your club, your coaches and your customers.

Business Growth

Attracting new customers is one thing; retaining them is quite another. And getting them visiting your facilities more, and spending more as result, is the silver lining. But when you create a sense of ‘continuous care and attention’, it gets far easier, and more dependable.

With Orbis, growth and retention strategies that were once high-risk guesswork become far easier to identify and implement, and far more dependable.

Higher customer retention

With Orbis, you can quickly reduce membership attrition by up to 50%. That’s a big claim, but we stand by it. And that rate halves again if the customer takes golf lessons…

A family with juniors in a structured coaching programme is far more likely to renew its membership, and in this scenario, lapsed renewal is less than 2%. That represents significant reliable income, especially when you consider that members who renew after the critical two-year period stay on for an average of nine years.

Seamless customer experiences

When all of your customers and stakeholders have a joined-up, reassuring and personalised experience, informed by powerful software and an expansive range of tools, you have the keys to long-term, dependable growth. And that frees you up to explore even more ways to make your proposition unique and compelling.

The ‘positive feedback loop’ you create is to sustainable success. It’s key to customer retention, which is fundamental to your business. The good news is, Orbis makes it intuitive.

Increased customer spend

People invest in their personal purpose, progress and happiness. So when you make that easier for them, and in genuinely smart and connected ways, they will gladly invest in other aspects of your offering.

Creating a joined-up and inclusive experience reaps rewards. When customers have feel more engaged across the club, they spend around 35% extra on golf and hospitality.

More new customers

Word of mouth is a hugely powerful marketing tool, and it’s essentially free. When your existing customers have a more personalised, immersive and connected experience across the venue, they tend to tell their friends… who will want to find out for themselves!

Your two primary sources of new memberships are stand-out marketing and word of mouth. With the right balance of the two, you’ll soon have a waiting list, which is another another powerful marketing asset.

Increase customer visits significantly

Customers who are activated and engaged by professional tuition get more out of their time at your club, and will want to spend more time there. Visits to the club will increase by an average of 25%.

To complement and sustain this, you have to get the marketing spot on. And with Orbis Golf’s insights and golfing industry experience – and its proven software – that’s no longer a guessing game. With a measurable strategy unique to your ambitions, you can retain members with marketing and communications that they identify personally with – and that genuinely reflect your venue’s USPs.

Learn about the positive impacts the Orbis solution can have on your golfing business' key stakeholders...

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